My wife insisted last night that my beard is making me look old beyond my years & demanded that I take swift action.
Dutifully I went up to the bathroom and gave it an almost terminal trimming.
I felt quite sad to see it go. I have been cultivating a bushier than usual 'Stroker' over the winter months as it gives me something to do with my fingers when I'm not doodling and (I thought) makes me look cool. I quite enjoy grooming it into interesting horns and shapes with the shower gel during my morning ablutions. Not to mention the simple joy of stroking it slowly whilst people at work talk to me (second only to slightly raising one eyebrow).
But ... sacrifices must be made for the ones we love so there is nothing for it but to give this face sheep a shearing.
I looked at the (more grey than brown) ball of little hairs that I had collected in the middle of a magazine centre spread with a sense of loss. Perhaps I could secretly stash the beard hair in a matchbox somewhere and take it out to look at every now and then to remind me of the beard that once was? I am actually really bad for stuff like this. I kept my old dreadlocks in a plastic bag at my parents house for years after I cut them off and I already have an old pill bottle with all my children's milk teeth in.
No, it's a slightly creepy and disgusting idea. I swallowed my sense of loss and chucked the estranged beard hair into the bathroom bin.
But looking at my face in the mirror with my new 'compact beard', I couldn't help but feel that my chin looked wrong. Without it's mighty cone of manly hair, my chin looks weak and tiny. My face looks badly designed. Like when you play around too much with the character creation menu in a video game and end up with a hero who looks as if their face was sat on when they were a child.
I have to walk around and live my life with this chin...oh God...what am I going to do?
I console myself with the old adage that ' the difference between a bad haircut and a good haircut is about three days' and decide to try and avoid contact with people until it has grown out a bit.
I can probably get away with talking behind my hand and wearing really high polo neck shirts for a while.
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