Thursday, 28 March 2019

Signs & Portents - Happy Nightmares

So ok...this business sells beds and somehow decided that 'Happy Nightmares' was an appropriate name for the business. This is a terrible name for a bed company.
I suspect that they originally wanted to call it 'Sweet' or '' but quickly found that these domain names were already taken and so ended up casting around for some vaguely sleep related domain name that was still available.

There should really have been a 'proofing stage' at some point here. Some one should have stopped this persons passion project in it's tracks before things go past the point of no return.
I imagine that the conversation might have gone something like this:
- John: So I hear you are setting up a mattress company online Bob. What are you thinking of calling it?

Bob: Well I wanted a name that conveys that we sell beds that will give you a really good nights sleep & I've come up with the perfect name.'Happy nightmares'

John: er 'Happy Nightmares' that's what you're going with is it?

Bob: says it all 'Happy Nightmares' we can do like a logo with a ghost on our delivery vans and stationary and everything.

John: um, yeah. The thing is that, well, I think you may have missed a bit of a problem there mate.
Bob: really...what do you mean?

John: Well, know. Happy Nightmares. Don't you think that's a bit of an oxymoron?
You're not going to be happy if you're having a nightmare are you. You're going to be waking up in a cold sweat f*#$ing terrified and gasping for air. Is that really the impression that you want to give potential customers when they think about your brand.

Bob: no've got it all wrong. 'Happy nightmares', its a fun subversion of an accepted concept. People are going to love it. It's playful.

John: I've got to say I think you are wrong on this one. You are just going to make people feel creepy. Especially if you put a ghost on the livery. 'Purchase our beds and ensure that you have your sleep nightly disturbed by visions of bloody horsemen galloping through fiery slaughter and death. Our mattresses come with waterproof sheets as they will have you pissing yourself with fear' I just can't see nightmares being a good USP for your business model.

Bob: oh dear...I can start to see what you mean. I never thought of it like that. What on earth am I going to do. I'm already down two grand on the domain name and stationary orders. Oh no. What a nightmare situation.

John: well....what about re branding and selling to a niche market who would appreciate the disturbing connotations.

Bob: you don't mean?

John: Yes...that's right. Goths and Emo's. Those weirdo's will lap it up and probably pay extra into the bargain. Just dress all your staff up like vampires and have a Halloween launch event.

Bob: you're an amazing friend John. You've saved my business!

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