So this week I finally reached my first one hundred hours of piano practice. That's one hundred hours of crouching in my freezing shed at the bottom of the garden, pounding out badly syncopated melodies like some sort of mentally ill poddington pea.
I have learned a lot in this short time. Firstly I have learned that you should never try and practice when your five year old daughter is present as she will want to play counterpoint (but to a totally dissonant song which is taking place in another universe where there is no concept of music).
She also loves pressing random buttons whilst I am practicing which leads to hitherto unimagined versions of songs. 'Fur Elise' for pianoforte and drowning Rottweiler anyone?
Secondly I have learned that keys on the ALDI keyboard occasionally stop making any noise during practice. Particular culprits are the D keys after about ten minutes of playing. This has made learning Bach's minuet in Gmajor more challenging than it needed to be. Writing this, I am now wondering if there is a connection between my daughters frenzied button mashing and the sudden lack of D's
Thirdly I have learned that composers do not identify flats and sharps in their sheet music if they are part of the key signature. This has led to the embarrassing situation where a friend had to inform me that the previously mentioned minuet has some F sharps in . I like my version better. I think Bach would have liked it with no F sharps or D's in it. It sounds more like music you would hear in a commercial for toilet rim cleaning equipment though. I imagine a bold silky male voiceover saying something like
'Use Turdblaster Special D to scrub those darn dastardly dags from your rim and leave it F sharp and sparkly white'
and then it cuts to film of a wife knocking on the closed bathroom door and the husband calling back 'I'll be done in just a Minuet darling'.
I have successfully learned some songs and intro's. My favourite is Van Halens 'JUMP' which has led to my children cracking the Artex in the kitchen ceiling as they leap from the shower in the room above bellowing 'might as well JUMP!!' every night before bed.
I finally bit the bullet last week and ordered a proper piano from Bonners. It comes this week. I am hoping that my wife will allow it to live in the house with the nice furniture. Also that all of the D keys work on it.
Thankyou for all your comments and encouragement.
Best comment will receive one of my original blog doodles and a short poem on the subject of your choice.
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